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Reiki Treatment

Feel Good Energy Healing

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Who I Am and

What I Do

I’m a caring Energy Healing Practitioner specializing in a variety of holistic treatment services that address the root causes and not just the symptoms of pains and ailments.Learn about my method and how it may help you.


Distance energy healing is used to create a state of balance, health and peace in your life by removing energy blockages, trapped emotions or imbalances "sent" across time and space from anywhere and at any time.


Schedule a free consultation to find out which modality is right for you and start feeling better today!

Intuitive Distance Energy Healing

This is a personalized, custom energy healing session where I will tune into your body, ask your angels and guides for assistance and find and release emotional, physical and underlying causes for that issue. 


This session may consist of several modalities according to which I feel inspired to use that you may need from EFT, chakra balancing, sound bowls and Reiki to emotion release, deprogramming, visualizations and more. 


Please come prepared with an open mind and allow your guides and angels to take us where we need to go to help you get the best out of each session. 



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I have been to many energy healers and had my chakras balanced, and Jana is absolutely amazing.


Her kind, gentle loving soul shines as she pours love and light into your energy center.


I felt energized, rejuvenated, and in harmony with everything going on in my life, health, and family.

Carla Ludlow

Contact Me

Have more questions?

Want to schedule an appointment?

I'm here to help!

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Thanks for contacting me! I'll get back to you shortly!

Zen Stones



While Jana Carter has extensive experience as an energy healing practitioner, she is not a physician, psychologist, or other licensed healing arts practitioner and her services are not licensed by the State of Utah. Although Energy Medicine appears to have promising emotional, spiritual, and physical health benefits, it has yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities; therefore Energy Medicine is considered experimental. The information contained on this page, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, methods, resources, and other materials is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice. Transmission of the information presented on this page is not intended to create and receipt does not constitute any professional relationship between Jana Carter and the visitor and should not be relied upon as medical, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind or nature.


 ©2020 by Feel Good Energy Healing

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