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I have been to many energy healers and had my chakras balanced, and Jana is absolutely amazing.


Her kind, gentle loving soul shines as she pours love and light into your energy center.


I felt energized, rejuvenated, and in harmony with everything going on in my life, health, and family.

Carla Ludlow

Jana is an amazing woman with the power to lift your spirit and heal your soul!


Jana worked with me through a rough time in my life and helped me work through and heal from circumstances that were damaging to me.


After working with her, and following her direction, I was able to feel more confident, speak up for myself, and heal from the pain and anger I was holding inside. She helped me release the anger and become the person that I am truly inside.


I have learned to love myself and realize the gifts that I hold within me. Thank you, Jana, for everything you have done for me. I hold you forever in my heart!

Elise Frawley

I was new to energy healing and tried the intuitive distance healing. Jana was right on. I couldn't believe what she picked up from my body discomfort that I have been experiencing for years along with traumatic emotions I had buried since childhood.


She helped me release a lot of stuff I was holding onto, especially with relationships. I am hopeful again to be able to find a partner and love again.

Jennifer Nielson

Having not been able to sleep in years, I decided to give energy healing a try. After my first session with Jana, I actually felt more relaxed.


I still had trouble sleeping so I kept working with Jana. She found many experiences of anxiety and fear of being abandoned while I was sleeping.


Once we cleared those, I am able to relax and sleep now.

Parker Riley



While Jana Carter has extensive experience as an energy healing practitioner, she is not a physician, psychologist, or other licensed healing arts practitioner and her services are not licensed by the State of Utah. Although Energy Medicine appears to have promising emotional, spiritual, and physical health benefits, it has yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities; therefore Energy Medicine is considered experimental. The information contained on this page, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, methods, resources, and other materials is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice. Transmission of the information presented on this page is not intended to create and receipt does not constitute any professional relationship between Jana Carter and the visitor and should not be relied upon as medical, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind or nature.


 ©2020 by Feel Good Energy Healing

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